Granting safety for passengers and operators is a major responsibility for airport managers. AOSnice provides an infrastructure that supports digital security and is capable of offering system solutions for Video Surveillance, Access Control and Anti-Intrusion. All safety aspects are monitored by a Control Room able to collect and manage alarms deriving from different security systems specialised in various control functions. DigiEyes system monitors specific areas of the airport, contextually satisfying any legal restriction related to privacy statement and rules. It operates through digital cameras that can be interfaced on a LAN and remotely controlled. The cameras have many features: Pan, TILT, zoom, motion detection, anti-intrusion control, and others. SCA is the system to control the staff passages in the different airport areas in relation to their operational roles. Each gate is equipped with badge readers and cameras able to store the images of passages. In compliance with the Safety National Plan, it has been conceived, finally, the Perimeter Control System to protect external areas with sensors, dedicated networks and methods able to prevent not authorised entries of people, means of transport, animals or things to the airport airside.
The whole security platform is also equipped with a Permit&Badge module able to manage specialised workflows for each type of granting.
Digital Safety & Security modules provide the benefits:
- Maximization of the security levels through anti-intrusion alert functions
- Ability to activate the visualization and monitoring functions on any giver personal computer equipped with an internet browser
- Total respect of the privacy rules
- Minimum staff employment, both for the management and the maintenance
- Reduction of the infrastructural and maintenance costs through the use of digital video cameras connected on the local network of the site to be controlled