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Software Design srl

Software Design srl




The advertising system allows to increase the non-aeronautical business operating around the opportunities offered by the advertising market both to meet the needs of the airlines and of the local industrial actors at the airport or the big names.

This new type of advertising is aimed at exploiting the power of the message presented directly on Display Units widely disseminated in airport sites along with other information of high interest from passengers and their carers.

Advertising on Display Units is very interesting for the following reasons:

  • Messages can be dynamic. They can change during the day and during the seasons. As an example, a special hotel offer could be presented in the arrivals hall immediately after landing a specific international flight.
  • Messages can be better directed to the potential target of the class of users by presenting information in the various areas (VIP lounge, …) depending on the advertised article;
  • Messages can be more attractive by using special multimedia effects;
  • The messages can be presented together with other data of greater interest using both “banner” and “shot” models.

The FlyWindow system allows you to create advertising contracts for the presentation of multimedia messages directly on the airport Display Units.

The contract creation phase provides for the definition, by the contractor, of all presentation rules both in terms of location of the message (the Du on which to present) and in terms of presentation slots.

It should also be stressed that it is also possible to choose the mode of presentation (banner or spot) and the types of Display Unit (dedicated to advertising or mixed with projection of flight data).


The use of FlyWindow allows the following benefits:

“increase the non-aeronautical business”

create advertising messages in line with the needs of the target by defining dif ferent messages in different airport areas”

“create more attractive messages using special multimedia effects”



The system allows to associate an advertisement with one or a group of displays; he can also choose to present the advertisement in a specific area of ​​the airport area. In this case the advertisement will be presented on all the Displays located in that area. Thus, if the user associates an advertisement with the Arrivals area, it will be presented on all DU allocated in that area.

It should also be emphasized that it is also possible to choose the mode of graphic presentation:

  • banner: indicates a presentation in a persistent layer. The banner can occupy an entire layer or a portion of it. The second case allows the presentation of advertising messages concurrent with the presentation of other types of information to increase its effectiveness towards the public.
  • focus on idle: indicates a banner type presentation on a layer characterized by the “Focus On Idle” attribute. Advertising of this kind, therefore, will be shown only in the absence of other presentations for the public. As an example, this option can be used to present advertisements on check-in counters when they have no flights under management.
  • shot: allows short presentations to overlap with other information layers.

FlyWindow is designed around a client / server architecture and the server component of the system has a Corba Information Broker to interface to all potential clients. The server has the main task of verifying the real possibility of honoring contracts according to both the contractual options requested by the user and the availability in terms of free advertising space of the individual Display Units chosen.

In case of impossibility to fully or partially honor a contract, the relative reasons are reported to the client application which can in turn present them to the operator. The latter must provide for the removal of the causes of incompatibility and repeat the operation.

In some cases the operator could be forced to subdivide the contract into several sub-contracts to refine the presentation parameters according to the real availability of the various DU involved in the relevant time slot.



The advertising phases are presented to the public through the video pages displayed on Display Units, located inside the airport.

The philosophy of configuration and management of the FlyWindow, on the basis of which the DU can be used simultaneously by various airport systems, opens new frontiers on the potential of airport information.

For example, we can imagine that on the same DU can be shown both flight data and advertising messages (FLYWINDOW) through simple configuration operations performed at the AODB system level.

Below is an example that can be used for check-in counters.

The duration of video persistence of the layer shot depends exclusively on the duration of the advertising spot defined at contract level.

Layers that contain banner LayerView instead remain on video for the time assigned to them at the level of definition of the Display Unit model carried out at the AODB level. The single advertising in the banner area is instead presented for the time required at the contract level for each advertising step.

For the banner type layers, in intertemps not covered by the advertising steps envisaged by the specific schedule of the DU, a rest image defined at the global system level is presented and therefore the same for all Display Units.




The FlyWindow environment does not have tools for manually configuring graphical styles for DataView because the basic styles needed to perform the various types of presentation provided are preconfigured in the system.
Instead, it is necessary to provide for the configuration of the Layers dedicated to the FlyWindow in the DU models on which it intends to define advertising schedules.
For the configuration of advertising Layers we have two different types of presentation of advertising messages:
  • FlyWindow Shot
    • Using the LayerView Management application in the AODB configuration environment
    • Using the DU Models Management application in the AODB configuration environment
  • FlyWindow Banner
    • Using the LayerView Management application in the AODB configuration environment
    • Using the DU Models Management application in the AODB configuration environment


The FlyWindow management environment allows the preparation of advertising contracts that are a technical complement to formal contracts that must be defined through appropriate tools.

Preparing a contract means establishing:

  • The time slot in which the various advertising passes must take place.
  • The residence time on the Display Unit of each passage.
  • The minimum interval between two consecutive passes.
  • The list of Display Units on which to make presentations.
  • The type of presentation: banner, shot, focus on idle.
  • The size and position of the advertising layer in the case of a shot presentation.
  • The media file associated with the advertisement.

FlyWindow is also able to associate an advertisement to be submitted to one or a group of displays. In fact, you can choose to associate an advertisement with a particular area of ​​the airport area. In this case the advertisement will be presented on all the Displays located in that area. It is of fundamental importance to note that contracts can only be defined for the current year.

Once the contract is prepared, the operator can request verification of its feasibility in compliance with the options requested by the contractor.

In case of impossibility to fully or partially honor a contract, the related reasons are reported to the operator who will have to remove the causes of incompatibility and repeat the operation. In some cases the operator could be forced to subdivide the contract into several sub-contracts to refine the presentation parameters according to the real availability of the various DU involved in the relevant time slot.

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