Find out how to become a Digital Airport using our solutions for Non-Aeronautical Business. Your airport will be able to quickly manage loyalty programs, have eCommerce tools for online sale of parking lots and ancillary services and enjoy the benefits of a CRM environment that will allow you to profile your users and manage campaigns DEM.
You will be able to process functions of Proximity Marketing exploiting the power of the IOT by means of beacon devices to be installed in points of interest to specifically contact passengers.
You will become mobile and passengers will enjoy the services made available by consulting and purchasing them using their smartphone.
At the same time, all these tools will allow you to increase the level of quality of the passenger experience and increase the revenues of non-aeronautical business.
To put you in the ideal conditions to give life to a real process of Digital Transformation of your airport we are ready to provide such services also in Cloud mode and to provide you with our help desk services for end users support.
Let your airport live digitally by putting it in the hands of every single passenger, make your “Passenger Centric” airport.
If you are interested and you are in Italy we will do a free survey of your airport to outline the profile best suited to your needs……
We will then offer you an incredible offer even with a fee payment.